More Then 50 miniature faked Tilt-Shift Photos, created using Artensoft Tilt Shift Generator
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March 11, 2015
Artensoft Tilt Shift Generator 1.2 released!

January 5, 2013
Artensoft Tilt Shift Generator 1.1 released!

February 6, 2012
Artensoft Tilt Shift Generator 1.0 released!

-Articles about tilt-shift photography:

   Tilt-Shift Photography

   Tilt-Shift Effect

Artensoft's software
works with
Windows platform only.

Tilt shift photography software compatible with Windows 7

Tilt shift generator compatible with Windows Vista

Tilt shift software is clean


Artensoft Tilt Shift Generator Gallery


Note: To see the results of using Tilt-Shift Generator, put your cursor right on each of the the pictures shown in the gallery and you’ll see a "before" and "after" effect.

All tilt-shift photos were made using TiltShift Generator and fully demonstrate the capabilities of the program. In some cases, the software is a good fit for intensifying optical bokeh in a selected area. Some examples may not appear particularly suitable, but they were left in the collection intentionally to let viewers decide what they like. Don’t forget that bokeh intensity was picked with respect to the fact that photos would be published in this gallery and viewed in low resolution, so it was increased in some examples in comparison with the normal level observed in the original resolution. If you click a photo in the gallery, it will load the high-res original.

All tilt-shift photos were created using TiltShift Generator and it took about four hours of work to simulate the tilt-shift effect (miniature faked effect).

tilt and shift canon

Tilt-shift miniature effect

tilt shift

Tilt-shift miniature effect


Tilt-shift miniature effect

tilt shift

Tilt-shift miniature effect

tilt shift lens

Tilt-shift miniature effect

tilt shift photography

Tilt-shift miniature effect


Tilt-shift miniature effect

tilt shift video

Tilt-shift miniature effect

canon tilt shift

Tilt-shift miniature effect

tilt shift effect

Tilt-shift miniature effect

tilt shift generator

Tilt-shift miniature effect

tilt shift photos

Tilt-shift miniature effect

canon tilt shift lens

Tilt-shift miniature effect

tilt shift lenses

Tilt-shift miniature effect

nikon tilt shift

Tilt-shift miniature effect

tilt and shift

Tilt-shift miniature effect

shift tilt

Tilt-shift miniature effect

tilt shift tutorial

Tilt-shift miniature effect

tilt shift adapter

Tilt-shift miniature effect

tilt shift photo

Tilt-shift miniature effect

nikon tilt shift lens

Tilt-shift miniature effect

tilt shift camera

Tilt-shift miniature effect

24mm tilt shift

Tilt-shift miniature effect

diy tilt shift

Tilt-shift miniature effect

tilt shift app

Tilt-shift miniature effect

tilt shift maker

Tilt-shift miniature effect

tilt shift plugin

Tilt-shift miniature effect

best tilt shift

Tilt-shift miniature effect

tilt and shift lens

Tilt-shift miniature effect

45mm tilt shift

Tilt-shift miniature effect

tilt photo

Tilt-shift miniature effect

tilt shift videos

Tilt-shift miniature effect

canon 24mm tilt shift

Tilt-shift miniature effect

tilt shift pictures

Tilt-shift miniature effect

tilt shift miniature

Tilt-shift miniature effect

shift tilt lens

Tilt-shift miniature effect

tilt shift filter

Tilt-shift miniature effect


Tilt-shift miniature effect

tilt shift wallpaper

Tilt-shift miniature effect

lensbaby tilt shift

Tilt-shift miniature effect

tilt shift wallpaper

Tilt-shift miniature effect

tilt and shift

Tilt-shift miniature effect


Tilt-shift miniature effect


Tilt-shift miniature effect


Tilt-shift miniature effect

Download Tilt-Shift Generator and begin making tilt shift photography
how to uninstall

(Size: 6.3 Mb)      

Purchase Tilt-Shift Maker "Tilt-Shift Generator"

tilt shift lens for canon

Tilt-shift miniature effect

tilt shift lens canon

nikon shift tilt

Tilt-shift miniature effect

Tilt Shift

Tilt-shift miniature effect

tilt shift effects

Tilt-shift miniature effect

Tilt Shift Photography

Tilt-shift miniature effect

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Tilt-shift miniature effect

on line tiltshift generator

Tilt-shift miniature effect

tilt and shift canon

Tilt-shift miniature effect

bokeh effects

Tilt-shift miniature effect

fake tilt-shift

Tilt-shift miniature effect

tilt-shift minatures

Bokeh boost effect, Different bokeh type

tilt shift generator

Tilt-shift miniature effect

tilt shift

Bokeh boost effect


Tilt-shift miniature effect

tilt-shift software

Tilt-shift miniature effect

tilt-shift maker

Tilt-shift miniature effect

tilt-shift software

Bokeh boost effect

tilt-shift minatures

Tilt-shift miniature effect

tilt-shift maker

Tilt-shift miniature effect

tilt-shift minatures

Tilt-shift miniature effect

tilt-shift maker

Bokeh boost effect, Different bokeh type, Tilt-shift miniature effect

tilt-shift software

Tilt-shift miniature effect

TiltShift Photography

Bokeh boost effect

Tilt Shift Photography

Bokeh boost effect

fake tilt-shift

Bokeh boost effect

tilt and shift effect

Bokeh boost effect

tilt shift image

Bokeh boost effect

tilt and shift photography

Tilt-shift miniature effect

shift tilt lens

Bokeh boost effect

tilt and shift

Bokeh boost effect

shift and tilt

Tilt-shift miniature effect

tilt shift for canon

Tilt-shift miniature effect

canon tilt and shif

Tilt-shift miniature effect

canon tilt shift

Tilt-shift miniature effect

tilt shift canon

Tilt-shift miniature effect

tilt and shift canon

Tilt-shift miniature effect

tilt shift video

Tilt-shift miniature effect

tilt and shift photos

Tilt-shift miniature effect

tilt & shift

Tilt-shift miniature effect

shift and tilt

Bokeh boost effect, Different bokeh type

tilt shift

Bokeh boost effect

Download Tilt-Shift Generator and begin making tilt shift photography
how to uninstall

(Size: 6.3 Mb)      

Purchase Tilt-Shift Maker "Tilt-Shift Generator"

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